Job Archives

We are looking to hire a Field Service Engineer. In this position at Albosmart, you will be responsible for

  • Planning and preparing the installation of the Cloud Energy system (hardware and software)
  • Keep communication with internal team and clients during the whole lifecycle of system deployment (analysis, estimation, development, delivery, follow-up)
  • Make the configuration and the deployment of the Cloud Energy system
  • Provide support to clients in maintenance period.

You should ideally have

  • Knowledge of industrial automation systems ( PLC, SCADA, DCS )
  • Knowledge of industrial instrumentation and communication protocols
  • Ability to understand industrial equipment automation schematics and overall functioning principles
  • Experience with IT systems configuration (Windows Server, Hyper-V, Oracle Virtual Box)
  • Basic skills with Linux systems administration (command-line)
  • A positive and proactive attitude.
  • Really good communications skills
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Proactive approach in solving issues and understanding customer needs
  • Willingness to travel (incl. drivers license cat. B)

Would be a plus :

  • experience in managing hardware projects
  • experience in managing software projects
  • experience with industrial automation projects

What we offer

  • friendly, young and dynamic environment
  • flexible work schedule and a lot of autonomy
  • professional growth opportunities
  • travel opportunities with contacts in diverse hi-tech industrial plants

We are looking to hire a Field Service Engineer. In […]

Posted 3 ani ago

We are looking to hire a PHP Developer. In this position at Albosmart, you will be responsible for

  • Collaborate with the team in development of software programs and applications
  • Involvement in the end to end software lifecycle (analysis, estimation, development, delivery, follow-up)
  • Integrate software with existing systems and other products in the suite
  • Provide assistance, feedback and support to the team
  • Maintain professional and technical knowledge by keeping in touch with the latest technologies and sharing information with the team

You should ideally have

  • PHP development (using industry best practices)
  • Database design and development
  • Good knowledge of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts
  • Experience in developing SOAP and REST web services
  • Good knowledge HTML,CSS, JavaScript
  • Good knowledge of MySQL and database structure
  • Good knowledge of debugging and problem solving
  • Good knowledge of Linux command line
  • Ability to write technical documentation
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience.

Would be a plus :

  • Experience with modern PHP frameworks
  • Experience with JavaScript frameworks (jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap,ReactJS etc.)
  • Experience with web sockets / NodeJS
  • Experience with other database systems (SQL or NoSQL)
  • Knowledge of automated / unit testing and Continuous Integration environments
  • Knowledge of industrial communications protocols.

What we offer

  • friendly, young and dynamic environment
  • flexible work schedule and a lot of autonomy
  • professional growth opportunities
  • travel opportunities with contacts in diverse hi-tech industrial plants

We are looking to hire a PHP Developer. In this […]

Posted 3 ani ago

Tipul job-ului : Full time

Locatie : Buzau

Limba straina : engleza

Permis conducere : B

Candidatul Ideal

- Experienta in domeniul IT

- Abilitati de comunicare, planificare si organizare in cadrul echipei

- Capacitatea de a rezolva probleme in conditii de stres

- Capacitatea de a invata rapid lucruri noi

- Spirit de initiativa

- Spirit de echipa

Descrierea jobului

1. Cunoasterea in detaliu a sistemelor de operare Windows 7 /8/10/11  (instalare si configurare SO, drivere, interfete de retea, etc),

2. Cunostinte avansate hardware (diagnosticare si remediere, configurare, instalare, asamblare calculatoare, depanare echipamente periferice)

3. Cunostinte retele de calculatoare si sisteme IP CCTV

4. Buna cunoastere a compatibilitatilor/ incompatibilitatilor intre diveresele tipuri, modele si marci de echipamente hardware ;

5. Persoana punctuala, ordonata, comunicativa, cu simt organizatoric, responsabila si dornica de autoperfectionare; abilitati de comunicare cu clientii si restul echipei.

Tipul job-ului : Full time Locatie : Buzau Limba straina […]

Posted 3 ani ago

Tipul job-ului : Full time

Locatie : Buzau, Romania

Limba straina : engleza

Permis conducere : B

Candidatul Ideal

• Cunostinte cu privire la tehnicile de comunicare si vanzare consultativa

• Cunostinte tehnice IT nivel mediu/avansat (hardware, software si networking)

• Cunoasterea suitei Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

• Initiativa si atitudine pozitiva;

• Abilitati de analiza, planificare si atentie la detalii

• Disponibilitate deplasari ocazionale in tara

Reprezinta avantaje:

• Experienta anterioara in domeniul vanzarilor IT B2B

• Experienta in utilizarea software de tip CRM/ERP

Descrierea jobului

1.  Promovarea produselor si serviciilor companiei, oferind consultanta de specialitate pentru intreg portofoliul de produse si solutii clientilor

2. Prospectarea pietei si dezvoltarea de noi parteneriate

3. Gestionarea bazei de clienti alocata.

4. Emiterea ofertelor, contractelor si proformelor din aplicatia CRM

5. Procesarea si finalizarea comenzilor plasate de client.

6. Urmarirea contractelor de la semnare pana la incasare.

Tipul job-ului : Full time Locatie : Buzau, Romania Limba […]

Posted 3 ani ago

Tipul job-ului : Full time

Locatie : Buzau

Limba straina : engleza

Permis conducere : B

Candidatul Ideal

- studii medii/ superioare;

- aptitudini de comunicare/relationare cu clientii;

- abilitati de lucru in echipa;

- cunostinte operare PC;

- cunostinte contabilitate primara

- orientare catre rezultate si solutii;

- initiativa si atitudine pozitiva;

- flexibilitate si spirit de echipa.

Descrierea jobului

1. Asigura vanzarea produselor si serviciilor oferite de catre companie;

2.  Gestionarea portofoliului de contracte

3. Atingerea targetului lunar de vanzari si a obiectivelor individuale stabilite

4. Operarea de documente contabile primare in sistemul CRM

5. Intocmirea de raportari periodice privind activitatea desfasurata.

Tipul job-ului : Full time Locatie : Buzau Limba straina […]